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Fertilizer or supplement registration: Before you apply

Get your information ready

Product details

You must provide the following product details when applying for a fertilizer or supplement registration:

Additional information

Proposed safety risk assessment level for the final product (level I, II or III)

To complete the application for registration you must:

For help determining your product's proposed risk assessment level refer to product ingredients and associated safety data requirements.

For safety-level II and III applications, you must upload the following required information (if applicable) along with your rationale:

You can view the supporting document requirements for the proposed safety assessment level (I, II, or III) in safety data requirements.

Note: The proposed safety risk assessment level may change following the initial screening of the application.

Manufacturer details

You must provide the following information in the application to confirm the manufacturer details:

Proposed label

You must upload a copy of the proposed text for the marketplace label that will appear on your product or supplement package before you review and submit your application.

For guidance about proposed labels, refer to proposed marketplace label.

Processing time

You'll receive a response from an evaluator within 30 working days after your product specific inquiry information is received and an Inquiry file is opened.

Inquiry (IQ) process and pre-submission consultations

Prospective registrants can use the IQ and pre-submission consultation processes to get guidance, advice, and clarification on the regulatory requirements before applying for registration.

For more information about the IQ and pre-submission consultation processes refer to:

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