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Accessibility feedback form

Provide feedback on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Accessibility plan, progress report and barriers you have experienced, or any matter related to accessibility.

You can consult the Accessibility feedback process for other ways to provide feedback and how we use your feedback.

Privacy disclaimer

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is committed to protecting the privacy rights of individuals, including safeguarding the confidentiality of information provided by individuals and institutions.

Submission of your personal information constitutes your consent to the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of your personal information by the CFIA.

Please note that comments you enter in any free text field could become identifiable based on the level of detail you provide. Please exercise caution when providing comments in order to protect your privacy and the privacy of others.

This information is being collected and used under this Agency's legislative authority for the following purpose: to establish a confidential process to receive feedback about the implementation of the CFIA's Accessibility Plan and any barriers people have encountered, in accordance with the Accessible Canada Act, the Accessible Canada Regulations, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act. This information will be retained in accordance with the Agency's retention and disposition policies.

The personal information collected appears in the standard personal information banks Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace PSU 906, Employment Equity and Diversity PSE 918, Occupational Health and Safety PSE 907, and Staffing PSE 902. Details regarding these personal information banks, the information they contain, and the purpose for their collection are described within the Treasury Board Secretariat's Personal Information Banks.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act, personal information collected by the CFIA and the Government of Canada is protected from disclosure to unauthorized persons and/or agencies. Individuals to whom the personal information pertains have the right to the protection of, and access to, their personal information under the Privacy Act, subject to certain exceptions and exemptions.

For inquiries concerning the treatment of personal information in the custody of CFIA, or to access personal information pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, individuals may contact the CFIA's Access to Information and Privacy Office at (located at 1400 Merivale Road, Tower 1, Room 0-149 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0Y9).

1. What do you want to provide feedback on? (required)
2. Select all the areas that are relevant to your comments

Do not include information that could identify a person.

4. Do you want us to contact you about your feedback? (required)